Monday, February 25, 2019

Brian Cleugh Memorial Gathering


After the recent sad death of Brian Cleugh, our club will now hold a memorial, in conjunction with the Wanaka Walkers group.

This will be held on WEDNESDAY 6th MARCH. We will meet at the usual place at the lakefront at 9am to carpool, and will then drive to Glendhu Bay and park at the little DoC carpark before the campground. From here, we will take a very short walk along the lakefront (only about 15 mins) to a place where we can all gather. 

A few people will talk about Brian's involvement in our groups, and then the floor will be open for everyone to share their memories and special thoughts, so please spare some time to recall those. 

Please bring your thermos/morning tea to enjoy afterwards before we return. Something to sit on would also be a good idea.

Please also think about any past members who may be interested in attending, and let them know.

If the weather looks dubious, please consult either the UCTC blog or the Wanaka Walkers blog after 8pm on the Tuesday evening to confirm if it is going ahead, or an alternate date planned.

If there is anything else you wish to know or add, please contact Karen directly at or 021443740.