Sunday, August 22, 2021

Monday Walks and Covid

At Levels 3 and 4 people are required to stay at home, so there will not be any advertised walks while we are at these covid alert levels.
Check this blog again when the alert level is reduced.
In the meantime stay safe and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Stephen Matheson

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Monday's Walk - 16th August 2021

Sticky Forest Ramble

With a difficult weather forecast it is a Plan A, Plan B Day.
Meet 9.30 am at the waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street.
Please wear sturdy footwear and warm layers of clothing.

PLAN A: Drive to the end of Beacon Point Road turn left and park down at the beach.
We will walk along the lake side track then up into sticky Forest. We will walk the length of Sticky Forest to lookout over Wanaka and then back to the lookout north over the lake. 
From here, down to the outlet track for lunch at the camp. 
And thence back to the cars.

PLAN B: coffee

Leader: Robyn Matheson

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Monday's Walk - 9th August 2021

Albert Town New Castle Track Ramble

Meet at 9.30 at the waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street.
Then drive to the Upper Clutha River Track Car Park, Albert Town off Kinnibeg Street.

We will walk round to the Albert Town bridge and thence by new tracks to the Swingbridge over the Hawea River.
We will ramble the Butterfield wetlands ending up on the banks of the Clutha.
Then up the hill following the cliff edge to the Newcastle Track.
At this point we drop down to the beehives on the river flat below,and out to the Clutha River edge for lunch.
Return much the same way.
Great views. Some "off" track walking and the forecast is for bitterly cold temperatures so please wear study foot wear and layers of warm clothing! 
Approx 12 to 13 km and 4 hours walking time. 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Monday's Walk - 2nd August 2021

Deans Bank and Dublin Bay Tracks

Meet 9.30am at the waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street (note Ardmore St the length of Pembroke Park is closed this week)
We will drive to the Albert Town Campsite and park by the entrance to Deans Bank. Albert Towners can meet us here.We will walk to Dublin Bay and return the same way.
Approx. 15k and 4 hours return.
Rain is forecast later and the track could be muddy and slippery so bring sturdy footwear and raincoats!

Leader: Robyn Matheson