Sunday, October 28, 2018

Albert Town / Dublin Bay Circuit - Monday 29 October 2018

We drive to the Albert Town camping reserve on the left over the Clutha Bridge and walk along the Deans Bank track to the lake and on to Dublin Bay. Our return is along the fence line following the Dublin Bay road to the highway.

Note: The upgrade to the parking area adjacent to our usual meeting place is ongoing, so we will meet at 0930 at the Wanaka Station Park parking area in Homestead Close.


Greg Martin



Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mt Shrimpton track- Monday 22 October 2018

We drive to Makarora to what was DOC’s Makarora Base. The track leads off the Nature walk and climbs up to the bush line to give good views of the Southern Alps, particularly Mt Albert.  While only a short distance (6km) it is an 800m climb and the DOC estimate is a five hour round trip. (Mt Roy is 16km and 1260m climb).

The Nature walk section takes about 15 minutes (1 km).  Starting from the car park, just north of the Makarora Tourist Centre, this looped track passes through podocarp and silver beech forest with good specimens of matai, miro, kahikatea and rimu. Another feature is a pitsaw display, illustrating this pioneering timber milling technique.


Note: The upgrade to the parking area adjacent to our usual meeting place is ongoing, so we will meet at 0930 at the Wanaka Station Park parking area in Homestead Close.


Greg Martin (trip leader)


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Rob Roy Track - Monday 15 Oct 18

As it says on the DOC web site “…This track offers an easy route (achievable by older children) into a dramatic alpine landscape that includes snowfields, glaciers, sheer rock cliffs and waterfalls.”.

The upgrade to the parking area adjacent to our usual meeting place is ongoing, so we will meet at 0930 at the Wanaka Station Park parking area in Homestead Close.


Greg Martin (trip leader)

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Motatapu River track - 8 October 2018

A walk along the Motatapu River from the bridge over the Motatapu on the Raspberry Flat road to the Motatapu Gorge and return. 


Leader – Greg Martin