Sunday, September 25, 2022

Monday's Walk 26th September 2022

Plan A: Boundary Creek Track


The weather forecast is for mostly cloudy, 6°/17° so we may be ok for a pleasant climb up to an old musterers' track, on the way to Makarora. (50 kms, 40mins)

Meet at 9.30am at waterfront carpark opposite McDougall Street.

The 4WD track starts opposite the Boundary Creek campsite on SH6 between Hawea and Makarora and climbs 500m to a viewpoint looking back to the head of lake Wanaka. We can follow the old musterers' trail to find a lunch spot above Boundary Creek gorge, then return the same way. Sturdy footwear will be useful. There is no water. Please have $15 for your driver.


Plan B: Deep Gully


If the forecast has changed  and the clouds over Makarora look like rain there, then the alternative is the track up Deep Gully, which is open until 30th September. (Eastern Hills track and Grandview track are closed for lambing from 15th September).

The track starts across the road from the Sandy Point carpark, 17 kms from Wanaka. A poled route follows the toe of the hill before climbing up Deep Gully and up onto the Grandview Ridge. Then return back by the same track to the starting point. About 10.5 kms. There is no water. Again have sturdy shoes (and poles if you use them on the downhill). Please have $5 for your driver.


Leader: Chris Kjelgaard



Sunday, September 18, 2022

Monday's Walk - 19th September 2022

Outlet Track/Fisherman's Track


Meet at 9.30am at the waterfront carpark opposite McDougall Street.

With the forecast for some morning rain and a chance of showers in the afternoon, the plan is to walk from Beacon Point carpark (at Penrith Beach)  towards the Albert Town carpark (opposite Dean's bank) – about 5km – stop for lunch and return the same way. An easy walk on a good track.

If the weather is unpleasant we can return earlier. Come prepared for a walk in the rain. Temperatures: 11°/7° with gusty nor westers.

Driver donation $5. 


Leader: Chris Kjelgaard


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Monday's Walk - 12th September 2022

Fern Burn track


Meet at 9.30am at waterfront carpark opposite McDougall street.

Drive Mt Aspiring Road to Glendhu Bay then turn left at Motatapu Road and continue 3 km to carpark on left, just before the ford.  Easy walk following up the Fern Burn stream through grassy flats, shrubland and beech forest for about 2 hours (3-4km) – lunch stop somewhere near the bridge, then return the same way.

Please have $5 for your driver.

Weather forecast: cloudy, showers developing later in the day, temperatures 14 °/ 4 °.

Leader: Chris Kjelgaard


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Monday's Walk 5th September 2022

Glendhu Bay Track – from the Glendhu Bay end to Damper Bay


Meet at 9.30am at the waterfront carpark opposite McDougall Street.

Drive to Glendhu Bay carpark (10-15 min). We will walk to  Damper Bay and have lunch, with views of snowy mountains across the lake (approx.7-8 km, 2 hours). Then we'll return the same way. An easy walk with the track repaired.

Driver donation $5.   Weather forecast is for cloudy, cool south-southwesterlies – so warm, wind proof clothing advised.

Leader: Chris Kjelgaard