Sunday, June 27, 2021

Monday's Walk 28 June

Plan A: Lake and Outlet Track

With a forecast for rain showers, turning to snow showers in the morning plus a strong wind watch for Southern lakes, I propose we do an easy local walk, protected somewhat from southwesterlies(?),  from the Beacon Point carpark, around the lake to the Outlet Track (30min.). Then if we wish we can continue on to Hikuwai Conservation Area in Albert town (1 hour/3km) and return back to Beacon Point car park. (Total time about 3 hours)


Plan B: If weather is too bad, we can retreat to the local café!


Walk leader: Chris Kjelgaard

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Mondays Walk - 21st June 2021

Motatapu River Track

Walk from the Motatapu River bridge on the Wanaka - Mt Aspiring Road up to the swimming hole and return. About a 10km walk over mostly flat farm land. Bring walking sticks as the steps at the start of the walk can be slippery if there is a frost.

Walk Leader: Stephen Matheson

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Monday’s Walk 14 June 2021

Plan A: Upper Clutha River track: Reko Point to Luggate Rocks


It looks like the rain will have cleared with a cloudy day. We will drive to the DOC Reko Conservation Area car park, off Shortcut Rd (about halfway along the road on the river side from the Luggate hill intersection), Luggate.

We will walk from Reko Point, turning right and continuing downstream above the river (about 12-13 kms)  to the Luggate Rocks car park (a couple of km's south of Luggate township)


Plan B is to shorten the walk by turning off at the Luggate Creek track, to the Luggate Pub.


Vehicle drop-offs will be arranged when we meet at the lakefront.


Leader: Chris Kjelgaard




Sunday, June 6, 2021

Monday’s Walk 7th June


 Millennium Walk


The forecast is for low cloud in the morning. We will leave a car at the Glendhu Bay end. It's an easy track from Waterfall Creek carpark, via Damper Bay to Glendhu Bay carpark, with views up the lake, and maybe also the peaks of lower Matukituki Valley by afternoon. It is about 13km (3.5hrs). There shouldn't be too many cyclists at this time of the year.

Walk leader: Chris Kjelgaard