Sunday, July 14, 2019

Monday’s Walk 15th July

 Millenium Walk

The forecast is for a cold fine morning with occasional rain developing in the afternoon-could be heavy. We will leave a car at the Glenghu Bay end. It's an easy track from Waterfall Creek carpark, via Damper Bay to Glendhu Bay carpark, with fine views up the lake  and peaks of lower Matukituki Valley. It is about 13km (3.5hrs). There shouldn't be too many cyclists at this time of the year.

Walk leader: Chris Kjelgaard (with help from Quentin, again)

Martin Unwin
16 Karearea Rise
Wanaka 9305
New Zealand
P: 64-3-428-7914
M: 021-183-4042

Upper Clutha Tramping Club
Dunedin Astronomical Society
Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand