Saturday, November 16, 2024

Monday’s walk 18 November 2024

Carricktown, Bannockburn 

Meeting at the waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street, ready to depart at 9.30 a.m.

Description: This walk goes up the Caledonian Spur (380 m) on a 4-wheel drive track through a belt of quartz reefs. The area is covered in indentations caused by collapsed mine shafts. Carricktown consists of a number of stone hut ruins on the spur. Depending on time we may venture on to the Elizabeth Reef and The Last Shot, where there are 2well preserved dams. We'll return the way we came, albeit with different views. There are numerous shafts in the area so we need to keep to the track

Weather forecast: Fine (23°) but go prepared. Bring plenty of water.

Walk leader: Jan Scown (0223 506 605)

Petrol donation: $15 p.p.