
Look after yourself - take suitable clothing, footwear, water and food; stay with the group.
Look after each other - lend a hand - keep in touch.

While walking

  • Keep between the leader and the back marker. Do not get more than 100 metres ahead of the back person.
  • Keep the people behind you in view.
  • If you detour for a pee or stop to take photos, let someone know so they will wait for you.
  • Concentrate on the track at all times. Conversations can easily distract us from concentrating on our footing.


  • Walkers must tell the leader if they are returning to the cars early.
  • No car goes without all passengers being strictly accounted for.
  • If you change cars, make sure your driver knows - leave a note.
  • Carry a whistle and use it as soon as you think you are separated. Stay where you are as soon as you know you are lost.
  • If you feel unwell, let someone know.

Responsibilities of leaders:

  • The leader should have a printed list of walkers' names, home, cell and emergency contact phone numbers. They should also carry: -
    1. at least one personal beacon, easily accessible
    2. a notebook with the names of people on the trip. New members not on the general list should also write in their contact details.
    3. the club first aid kit.
    4. at least one survival blanket.
    5. a good whistle.
  • Leaders should stop:
    1. at any major places where people might want to look at views, to keep the party together.
    2. any junctions in the track or places where walkers may miss the track.
    3. dangerous spots to ensure all pass safely
    4. after about each hour of walking to enable people to rest
    5. Leaders may nominate someone to wait and tell others where to go.
    6. If the leader has decided there will be a fast group and a slow group, or split for different routes, each group must have a designated leader and stay together.

In the event of an emergency

  • Be firm. You are the leader and are technically responsible.
  • Decide who is experienced in the party and can be of use to you.
  • NB - ensure the safety of all other members of the party. Bad things happen together.
  • Then: -
    1. activate the beacon. If in a gorge try to find more sky space. Don't assume it is working.
    2. try to use a cell phone. Send a pair of people off to find better coverage.
    3. if these don't work, send two fit people off to find help
    4. appoint people to be responsible for:
  • helping the injured person.
  • keeping track of all party members. Give them the party list and authority to instruct people to stay in one particular spot.
  • instructing members to put on warm gear immediately and prepare to stand around for a while.
Keep watch for lone figures and people reacting badly to what is going on. Treat them for shock.


  • Tell people not to cell phone out what has happened.
  • Say the minimum to journalists.
  • Keep the party informed of what is happening.
  • Try to locate a safe helicopter landing site and locate someone there with a wind sock to indicate wind direction.