AGM 2023 Wanaka Walkers
To be held on Thursday 30th December 2023, in Dunedin prior to the thursday evening dinner.Agenda
- Election of President, Secretary and Committee members. Paul is resigning as President so we need a new President.
- Receive reports
- Discuss incorporation and set a date for Special meeting as agreed at last years AGM
- Week away location and timing (November or earlier?)
- Leaders - need more people prepared to lead walks
Minutes 2022 AGM Wanaka Walkers
Monday 30th January 2023
Venue: Swimming hole on Motutapu River Track.
Present: Paul (president)and Heather Knox, Brian and Marjon Gilbert, Pam
Ruddiman, Jacqui Scott, Fiona Sinclair, Jon Pearson, Julie Parr, Martin Unwin,
Graham York, Jane Hudson.
Apologies: Robyn and Stephen Matteson, Sandra
Binney, Pam Vaughan, Chris Kjelgaard, Ruth Harrison, Jan Scown.
Election of Officers
President. Brian G nominated Paul Knox. Jane H Second. All in favour.Secretary. Stephen has agreed to remain as secretary. All in Favour.
Committee. Martin Unwin, Jane Hudson, Chris Kjelgaard, Angie Neale, Ron de Kraker. Heather K nominated Julie Parr as committee member. Paul moved and Martin U seconded that Julie Parr be accepted onto the committee. All in favour.
Treasurer’s Report.
Stephen sent in Financial Records. Account remains at $623.48 and Petty cash of $6.50. There has been no expenditure for more than a year. Paul moved that the financial report be accepted. Brian G seconded. All in favour.President’s report
read by Paul Knox. Martin U moved president’s report be accepted. Jane H second. All in favour.No Correspondence.
2021 AGM Minutes.
These have been posted on the Blogsite for members to read. Jane H proposed the 2021 Minutes be accepted as true and accurate record. Brian G seconded. All in favour.No Matters arising.
General Business.
November trip away.
Brian G proposed Te AnauJane H proposed Dunedin.
Paul suggested that those making suggestions provide some information on possible walks and accommodation in areas proposed.
One month to deliver on these options.
Date for camp. Paul suggested bringing the camp forward for better weather but he could not discover findings to substantiate this. Trip date remains third week of November.
PLB battery life
Brian G asked re PLB battery life. Stephen is aware of this and will renew when necessary.
Un-incorporation of The Wanaka Walkers Incorp.
WW was incorporated 14th June 1999 with 15 signed members. Most of these are no longer active. When the group was first formed, it had an active role in developing and promoting new tracks and a budget commensurate with this role. It is now at least 10 years since it has been active in this area.
Paul gave a recap of the 1908 Act which was very simple. A new act is coming into effect in 2026 with increased changes. Paul read out the key changes, many of which would not apply to WW. However if we do nothing and let the incorporation lapse WW would no longer have control of its assets. An application is required to un-incorporate. Advise members to read the documents on the blog site before making a decision.
Questions posed were: How does incorporation assist the group? Does the group want to ease our operation. There would be no need for a formal AGM or financial reports. Brian G proposed de-incorporation. Paul K recommended a special general meeting to decide on this matter. A straw pole indicated most people are in favour of de-incorporating. Brian G proposed a special General meeting be advised and the date placed on the Blog site and in the Messenger. Martin U seconded. All in Favour. The committee will decide on the date. Paul will add relevant material to the blog site so members can be informed.