Meeting at the waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street, ready to depart at 9.30 a.m.
Description: A 10 km (return) trip from the Raspberry Creek car park, taking 3-4 hours. About 15 minutes from the carpark we cross the Matukituki River (west branch) via a swing bridge and then climb through a small gorge into beech forest and then alpine vegetation at the head of the valley where there are good views of the glacier.
Travel: Approximately 1 hour each way. The road has been recently graded and the fords are lower. However, we will still need 4WD vehicles. (The road is going to be closed from Monday 2 December for 2 weeks for repairs to a section.)
Weather forecast: Fine (25°). Northerlies developing in the afternoon.
Walk leader: Jan Scown (0223 506 605)
Petrol donation: 15 $p.p.