Sunday, August 4, 2024

Monday's walk 5th August

We will be walking from the Bannockburn bridge, along the Lakeside Walk, towards Cromwell and back. This will be at most 10km of essentially flat walking.

Please meet at the usual spot at 9.30 a.m. and organise transport amongst yourselves. Neil and I will meet you at the car park at the junction of Bannockburn Rd and Pearson Rd in Cromwell ready for a 10.30 start. We are heading for Dunedin after the walk and have to drop our dog off at 9.00 a.m. at Ripponvale.

The forecast is for a cold day, perhaps with a morning shower.

Please could someone text me on 022 6208 542 as you leave with the number of walkers?

$10 for transport, coffee in Cromwell after the walk.

Leader: Gail Marshall