Destination: Sawpit Gully - Arrowtown
2.5 - 3 hour looptrack with a gentle approach
Grade: Medium to High level of fitness
With the weather for tomorrow looking great this is one of our last chances to soak up the very last of the spectacular Autumn colours around Arrowtown.
This is a great loop trail with a variety of scenery such as piles of stone gold-mining tailings near the creek and varying vegetation from Beech forest pockets to Tussock covered slopes. We will also get to see the remains of an old stone hut which was once home to a succession of gold miners.
Up the hill we'll meet the Big Hill trail at Eickhardt's Flat and walk downhill towards Arrowtown after lunch with Lake Hayes in full view.
This will most probably be followed by a coffee or tea in Arrowtown or at the Cardrona Pub.
Walk leader: Ron de Kraker