We need to get out for some exercise in the open air; but most of us need to self isolate, which is incompatible with meeting up (even in our small group of about twenty), car sharing, our usual nattering and post-ambulatory coffee shop. So this Monday we will not meet at the lake front but go direct to the Hawea swing bridge in the Albert Town Camp Ground (cross the Albert Town Bridge, turn right onto the gravel road, go left parallel to the main road and continue ahead at the camping notice board). Arrive about 9:30 but do not wait - set off across the swing bridge and take the path to the right - the Newcastle Track. Follow the orange poles which eventually lead to the terrace above the Clutha River. Head downstream to an open area for lunch. Wave to the other Walkers but keep your distance. Hopefully the rain will not reach us, but expect a cold southerly wind. Return by the same route.
Disorganiser: Brian Gilbert