Sunday, December 27, 2020

Monday 28th December

 Brian & Marjon are going for a walk at Mt Crichton Reserve, Twelve Mile Creek. Meet at the lake front at 9:30 if you want to join us. We will have lunch at Sam Summers hut, then return via Lake Dispute - using a car shuttle to avoid the 1km walk along the road.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Monday 21st December

 No official walk. Because of the uncertain weather Brian & Marjon have postponed their plan to go to the Mt.Crichton track at Twelve Mile Creek.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Monday 14th Dec walk- Hawea river track walk -AGM and Christmas shared lunch

    We are having our traditional walk and shared lunch with the AGM on Monday. The walk will start at 836 Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road and be about 2 1/2 hours before returning for some Christmas shared lunch. Bring some food and drinks (some fridge space will be available) and maybe a chair. 

  I suggest we meet at 836 Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road at 9.45am. If anyone has no transport contact me on or 0212207088. The walk will start at 10am.
Could someone who lives near our normal car park check no-one is waiting there at 9.30am

      The walk will involve walking through our neighbour's property to Camphill road then up stream on Hawea track towards the Dam before returning the same way. 
Drive from Wanaka towards Hawea on SH 6 (signed to Haast and West Coast). Drive through Albert Town and cross the Clutha River Bridge (5.8km from here). Pass Camphill Road on right, go up the hill and turn right, into drive marked No 836. Go down the drive. Take the right hand fork and continue to the house. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Mondays Walk - 7th Dec 2020

Dublin Bay loop
Meet at Wanaka Lakefront place at 9.30am. Looks like there will be strong winds on the tops again so we shall do a lake level walk. Weather probably fine with occasional showers.
Drive to Albert Town campsite to the start of Deans Bank bike route.
After a short distance on the bike track we will cross to the  Dublin Bay 4wd road all round the lake to Dublin Bay where we will have lunch (7kms). There may be a few large puddles on the track from recent rain. After lunch we will walk up the metal Dublin Bay Road. (Beware of the occasional car). Before we get to the main road we will reach a locked farm gate which I will unlock and we cross the paddock on a farm track back to Albert Town Camping grounds.Thanks to the farmer for allowing us over his property.
NB Next week AGM and shared lunch.
Total 12 kms.

Walk leader 
Jerry Gathercole

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Monday’s Walk 30 November 2020

Destination: West Wanaka Station

Description: With the kind help of George Scott we have been granted special permission to have a good look behind the entrance gates of West Wanaka Station.
Our walk will start after a short drive along a 4 WD Track that runs through the station.
This track has a number of gates we will pass through and some reasonably easy accessible ford crossings.
After we've parked up our cars we will walk along the same, almost flat 4 WD Track in the direction of Mt Aspiring National Park with the occasional views of Mount Aspiring and the Matukituki River on our left, weather permitting.
George, who's an ex farmer himself and a current 4 WD guide for Ridgeline Adventures, will give us some background on the farming history of West Wanaka Station and the establishing of the Wetlands and the Oleria Conservation Area.
Total Walking Distance: approx. 12 - 14 km of easy walking.
Weather Forecast: a fair chance of rain with cool temperatures.
Please bring wet weather gear and a few gold coins to contribute towards a carton of Speights for the owners & staff of the farm, as a token of our appreciation.
Trip leader: Ron de Kraker

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Monday's Walk 16 November 2020

Destination: Flat Top Hill Track

Description: A very scenic 10 km walk through the Flat Top Hill Conservation Area above Alexandra, hopefully coinciding with peak flowering of the thyme and Californian poppies. From the Butchers Dam car park we climb to a lunch spot on an eyrie-like crag 350 m above Lake Roxburgh, from where we'll walk south along the crest of Flat Top Hill before returning to the cars. Vehicle drivers should note that the most direct route to Butchers Dam is to cross the Clutha River at Clyde and then proceed via Conroys Road 5 km along the Earnscleugh Road. 

Walk Leader: Martin Unwin

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Monday 9 November 2020

Deep Gully-Eastern Ridge loop.  approx 10.5 kms
Meet at Wanaka lakefront at 0930 as usual.
Travel to Sandy Point carpark.
The tracks start across the road from the Sandy Point car park. A poled route follows Deep Gully up onto the Grandview ridge for great views over the upper Clutha valley, before descending down the Eastern Hills Track back to the starting point. 
For those who haven't done it before, the track up gets the juices running but its not a race. If all the other mugs can do it, so can you!
Take your camera.
Weather forecast: 16C, light southeasterlies, cloudy periods.  Sounds perfect.
Trip leader: Paul Knox

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Monday 2 November 2020

Monday's walk - 2 November 2020

Blue Pools car park to Young River and return. 7 kms and return.  An easy walk, as described below:

The track starts at the Blue Pools car park. After 10 minutes, just after the first swing bridge, it branches to the left. Soon after, it crosses the Blue Pools Bridge for great views up the river gorge. From here the track continues through beech/tawhero forest to Rainy Flat and then opens up onto sections of farmland and bush that lead to the mouth of the Young River.

The weather sounds good - fine with light winds.  Remember you  are in the alpine region.

Meet at the Lake Wanaka carpark 0930.

My apologies to those I told of another walk; lambing got in the way!

Leader: Paul Knox

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Monday's Walk 26 October 2020

Destination: Upper Clutha River track

Description: With the prospect of a decent rain band moving up the island until at least late morning we'll keep it short, sheltered, and local. From the red bridge at Luggate we'll walk downriver past the Devil's Nook and as far towards the Luggate Boulders access as conditions and our inclination permit before returning to the cars. The bail-out option at any stage is to retreat via the Luggate Creek Track to the Luggate Pub while the drivers return to the Red Bridge to pick up the cars. The ultimate bail-out option is to abandon the walk at the lakefront car park.

Walk Leader: Martin Unwin

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Monday's Walk - 19th October

Destination - Pisa Range Ridge Track

Meet at 9.30am, waterfront car park opposite McDougall St.

We will drive to the Queensbury Hills car park turning off the Cromwell Road, up Pukekowhai Drive at the Queensbury Hills sign.
At the top of Pukekowhai Drive, turn left at Wailana Heights Drive to the car park and DOC sign about a km away.
We will walk up this track to a level terrace at about 950m, but the higher you go the better the views!

Leader - Inez McClea

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Monday Walk 12th of October

Destination: Rocky Mountain Walk
Meet at 9.30 Waterfront car park opposite McDougal St
We will drive to the beginning of the Diamond Lake track and then walk up Rocky Mountain in a clockwise direction.
The weather forecast looks ok for tomorrow. Bring some big steps and good balance. The track may be slippery in places.
Leader: Chris Gibb

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Monday's Walk 5th October 2020

Destination: Mt Dewar

Meet at 9.30 am  waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street.
We will drive to the Skippers turn off on Coronet Peak Road, and park in the car park. We begin walking up the road to a stile on the left, on to a 4 wheel drive track and walk up to the aerials to have lunch. Return the same way.

The forecast looks ok with wind increasing in the afternoon to moderate level but we should be on our way down by then.
Leader Chris Gibb.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Mondays Walk 28th September

Due to the current weather forecast for Monday the walk has been cancelled but if you want to make alternative walking arrangements meet as usual at carpark and arrange your own walk.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Monday Walk - 21st September 2020

Walk to the Memorial on Roys Peak

Meet at 9.30 at the waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street.
We will walk from the meeting place via Waterfall Creek Track and Glendhu Bay Track to the base of the Roys Peak Track.
It is then a 45 minute steep walk up to the Memorial and a well placed picnic table for lunch.
Return the same way, with a coffee stop for those that want, at Edgewater.
Approximate trip time 41/2 to 5 hours 16K.

Leader: Robyn Matheson

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Monday 14 September 2020

The weather forecast is looking blustery so a walk close to home is called for.  Walking from the Roys Bay carpark meeting spot along the lakeside track to the bottom of  Roy's Peak  then as far up that track until the lunch stop (probably a couple of hours to that point) then return. Coffee/beverage at Edgewater perhaps.
Depending on the conditions we can reassess in the course of the walk, ie. do we choose to go further or not so far?
Distance: up to 12 kms total (3-4 hrs)
Weather: Cloudy. Occasional rain developing in the afternoon. Gusty northwesterlies. There is a heavy rain warning overnight until midnight on Monday.  18C.

Leader: Paul Knox

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Walk on Monday 7 September 2020

Meet as usual at the Lakefront at 0930.

We will travel to Kydd's Bush beside Lake Hawea.  From there we walk uphill on the Sawyer Burn track towards the Sawyer Burn hut.  DOC states the walk to the hut is 5 hrs return but 2hrs return to the bushline.  We will walk as far as we want to past the bushline where the views are described as superb before lunching and return.

The first part of the track is steep with zigs and zags but it's worth it. We will behave ourselves and keep an easy pace! This is a track and not a footpath so take sturdy footwear.

Coffee at Hawea afterwards.

Forecast:  Anticipate bright warm sunshine once above the bushline so take sunscreen!

Walk leader: Paul Knox

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Monday Walk 31st August 2020

Bannockburn Ramble

Meet at 9.30 at the waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street.
We will drive to Bannockburn. Over the bridge turn left and drive to the inlet and park by the toilets.
Walk 25 minutes up the hill to the village and onto the sluicings via Domain and Gibson Roads.We will explore the eastern side of the sluicings arriving at Stewart Town for lunch.
The return will be via Pipe Clay, Quarztville and School Roads and Lynn Lane Track to the village eventually completing the circuit back at the carpark.
I suggest good footwear etc.
Approximately 12.5 K and 3 and a quarter hours walking time.

LEADER: Robyn Matheson

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Monday Walk - Monday 17th August 2020

Gladstone Track, Hawea

Meet at 9.30 at the usual water front car park. Travel to the Hawea camping ground car park.
Walk over the dam and along the waterfront track to John's Creek for lunch.
Return the same way.
Approximately 3 hours walking time and 14k

Leader: Robyn Matheson 

COVID19 As we are still at Alert Level 2 there is no need to restrict numbers. 
I suggest you travel in your own car or "bubble" to the start of the walk.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Monday Walk - August 10th 2020

Hawea Loop walk

Meet at the usual lake front car park.
Drive to the Camphill Road car park.
We will take a 1/2 hour walk beside the road to join the Hawea Flat cycle path,
which we follow into Hawea for lunch at Scotts Beach.
After lunch we return down the Hawea River to complete the loop.
Approximately 15K and 3 1/4 hours walking time.

Leader: Robyn Matheson

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Monday Walk - August 3rd 2020

Albert Town Loop Walk

Meet at the usual lake front car park.
Drive to the car park at the end of Gunn Road and Alison Avenue.
Walk along the Clutha River and up to the lagoons, negotiating suburban Albert Town to the new track next to the Hook. Cross the Cardrona River and walk down the Clutha to a suitable lunch spot.
Return to the car park up the Clutha under the state highway bridge.
Approximately 13k and 3 hours walking time.

Leader: Robyn Matheson

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Monday Walk 27th July, 2020.

Hi everyone,  meet at usual lakefront car park  9.30 am.
Drive up to the Snow Farm on the Pisa Range, hire snowshoes [ $25 including trail pass ] or bring your own.
Walk around the southern loop, finding a suitable lunch spot on the way.
Don't forget sunscreen and sunglasses.

Leader   Ian Algie.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Monday Walk July 20th 2020

Hi everyone, usual lakefront meeting place 9.30 am.
Drive over to Arrowtown, park at Lake Hayes pavilion, walk around the lake, lunch at northern end, then back via lakeside track.  Coffee stop in Arrowtown on way home.

Leader, Ian Algie.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Monday Walk 13th July 2020

A rerun of last Monday's walk that was cancelled due to rain.
See you all 9.30 am, at usual lakefront meeting place.

Leader  Ian Algie.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Monday Walk 6th July

Sticky Forest Ramble

Meet usual lakefront  car park 9.30 am, drive to Platinum Ridge carpark in Peninsular Bay, walk through Sticky Forest, then on to riverside track via Outlet Camping Ground.
Lunch on riverbank, back on Outlet Track, then Sticky Forest, back to car park.
Please bring boots/shoes with good grip as could be slippery after rain.

Leader   Ian Algie.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Monday's Walk: 29 June 2020

Boundary Creek Track

The weather forecast looks OK ( cool and cloudy) for a pleasant climb up to an old musterers' track on the way to Makarora. The 4WD track starts opposite the Boundary Creek campsite on SH6 between Hawea and Makarora and climbs 500m to a viewpoint looking back to the head of lake Wanaka. We can follow the old musterers' trail to find a lunch spot above Boundary Creek gorge, then return the same way. Sturdy footwear will be useful in case the 4WD track is still a bit wet from the previous days rain.

Leader: Chris Kjelgaard


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Monday’s Walk 22 June

Fern Burn ramble (about 4 hours)


The weather looks as if it will be calm, cool and partly cloudy.

From the Lakeside carpark meeting place take the Mt Aspiring road past Glendhu Bay, turn left onto Motutapu Road to Motatapu track carpark (15km)- approx. 3km from Glendhu Bay Camp.

Fern Burn car park to Fern Burn Hut is 3–4 hr, 7 km, but we will turn back after about 2 hours walking. The track meanders along the true right of Fern Burn, passing shrubland and grassy flats. It then climbs into significant, remnant beech forest: mountain/tawhairauriki, silver/ tawhai and red/tawhairaunui. Here the Fern Burn narrows, featuring cascades and waterfalls. An hour from the car park, the track briefly enters the 4144 ha Stack Conservation Area.

The Motatapu valley was used extensively by Māori from coastal settlements, travelling between lakes Wanaka and Wakatipu. Wanaka was important for māhika kai – gathering food in summer, including eel/tuna, weka . By 1861 gold mining was in full swing, particularly in the Macetown and Arrow areas, where alluvial gold was recovered with relative ease. As a result, a government-funded pack track was formed to link Arrowtown with Lake Wanaka, and the Motatapu Track follows sections of that route.


Walk leader: Chris Kjelgaard


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Monday's walk, 15 June 2020

From: the DOC Reko Conservation Area car park, Shortcut Rd (about halfway along the road on the river side from the Luggate hill intersection), Luggate
To: the Luggate Rocks car park(a couple of k's south of Luggate township)  
We walk to Reko Point, turning right and walking downstream above the river (about 12-13 kms)  Vehicle drop-offs will be arranged when we meet at the lakefront.
Leader: Paul Knox

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Monday’s Walk 8 June 2020

Minaret burn track to Colquhoun's Beach and return. 14km ( about 2 hours one way).

From the Lakeside carpark meeting place take the Mt Aspiring Road past Glendhu Bay, turn right onto West Wanaka Road, across the one lane bridge over the Matukituki River then follow the road through 2 farm gates to the Homestead carpark at the end of this road. 

The Minaret Burn track and 4WD road from the car park is an easy walk (could be muddy in places after recent rain) to a beautiful beach on the shores of L. Wanaka with a view out to Mou Waho Island on one side and Mt. Alta on the other. (There may be sandflies at the lake.)

The forecast is for fine cool weather with some cloud and maybe be a foggy start. 


Leader: Chris Kjelgaard



Friday, May 29, 2020

Monday Walk 1st June

No walk this week; but Chris Kjelgard will lead the rest of June, starting 8th June at 9:30.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Monday Walks - Level 2

The current thinking of the committee is that the limit on crowd size of ten makes it difficult to organise walks. However this size limit may be raised as soon as June. So there will no walks in May, but have a leader lined up for the month of June. Watch this space.
We may avoid car sharing at the start, so limit ourselves to local walks.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday Walks - Level 3

Monday Walks remain suspended during Level 3.
Several of our godwits have successfully flown back to their breeding grounds in the north - it remains to be seen if they are allowed to return next Spring.
Hope you are all staying fit with daily walks around home - running up and down the stairs with a rucksack of rocks.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Monday Walks

The experiment on 23rd March would have been successful but for one person being incapable of keeping to a safe distance from everyone (naughty Marjon). The track was fairly busy with bikes which usually could pass at a safe distance. It was nice to see and wave to friends, which is an advantage of advertising a given walk compared to us just doing our own thing.
At Level Four people are required to stay at home, so there will not be any advertised walks for at least four weeks.
Check this blog again when the alert level is reduced.
Brian Gilbert

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Monday 23rd March

We need to get out for some exercise in the open air; but most of us need to self isolate, which is incompatible with meeting up (even in our small group of about twenty), car sharing, our usual nattering and post-ambulatory coffee shop. So this Monday we will not meet at the lake front but go direct to the Hawea swing bridge in the Albert Town Camp Ground (cross the Albert Town Bridge, turn right onto the gravel road, go left parallel to the main road and continue ahead at the camping notice board). Arrive about 9:30 but do not wait - set off across the swing bridge and take the path to the right - the Newcastle Track. Follow the orange poles which eventually lead to the terrace above the Clutha River. Head downstream to an open area for lunch. Wave to the other Walkers but keep your distance. Hopefully the rain will not reach us, but expect a cold southerly wind. Return by the same route.
Disorganiser: Brian Gilbert

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Monday 16th March

The theme this week is circular - starting from Logantown at Bendigo we go along and down and round and up past Aurora Battery and round. After lunch near the pub-with-no-beer Pengally Hotel near Welshtown we go via Matilda Battery down and round back to the cars. We might get lost and walk in a few extra circles, but will try not to fall down any of the many mining shafts.
Leader: Brian Gilbert

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Monday 9th March

Last week was inclined to the vertical; this week favours the horizontal. Starting from the boat ramp on Butchers Drive, Old Cromwell we follow the Kawarau River upstream, past the Bannockburn Bridge to a lunch spot by the river. Then retrace our steps to the cars.
Leader: Brian Gilbert

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Monday 2nd March

Meet at 9:30 for a trip to Lochar Burn. We park by the side of SH6 about 5km south of Queensberry. After carefully crossing the road we head up a steep hillside. The slope eases off as we continue to climb up to the ridge which looks down on Lochar Burn. After lunch we return the way we came, except that it is now with the aid of gravity.
Leader: Brian Gilbert

Sunday, February 23, 2020

24th February Monday Walk

After meeting at 9.30 am, we are driving up the Cardrona Snow Farm Road, parking at the Lodge, then walking along to Bob Lee Hut.
Approx 6km each way.
Please bring an extra layer of clothing as it may be chilly up there.
There is a $ 20 per car road toll.

Leader,  Ian Algie.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Monday 17th February - note this week will meet at 9am at the usual place

We are heading over to Queenstown to do the Fernhill Loop.
This is a combined walker/bike track so care needs to be taken to be on the right track but other than that a straightforward hill climb for an hour and a half through pine and beech.
We pop out onto the top and a few minutes to the knoll takes us to a thoughtfully provided picnic table with views up to Bowen Saddle and Ben Lomond one way and out over Lake Wakitipu the other.
The other half of the loop is predominantly downhill through more trees to return to the cars.
Leader: Ruth Harrison

Ruth Harrison

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Monday 10th February

This week is rather more challenging than last week so a good sole on your shoes, long gaiters or long pants and poles are recommended.
The walk follows a DOC poled route and there is no track - we will be crossing the tops with low shrubby bushes, some tussock and the occasional Spaniard.
The route goes off the Cardrona ski field road, we sidle around a couple of low slopes then onto the route towards Mount Sale. The route follows up and down a fence line so some climbing will be involved. The walk is about 10kms total return trip. Our lunch spot has lovely views of Mt Sale and Crown Peak.
Leader: Ruth Harrison

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Monday 3 February

A return to the standard meeting time of 9.30am at the usual meeting place down on the waterfront at the end of McDougall St. Walk start times can be varied by the trip leader so don't forget to check.
The weather forecast doesn't look particularly promising so the most likely option is close to home:-
Bremner Bay around Beacon Point and the Outlet track and return.
There will be another option should the forecast dramatically improve.
Trip Leader Ruth Harrison

Ruth Harrison

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Monday 27th January

The last unofficial expedition for this Christmas is to Crystal Battery Track. Meet Brian & Marjon at 9:00am.
This is a one hour walk to lunch near the Crystal Mine, returning the same way. A major part of the adventure is the drive - turn off Coronet Peak Road onto an unsealed road - this leads to a winding 13km drive on Gorge Road to Skippers - one and a half to two hours each way - for confident 4WD drivers only. We will also make time to visit the Mt.Aurum Homestead, Skippers Point School and look down on the Shotover River from Skippers Bridge.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Monday 20th January

Meet Brian & Marjon at 9:00am for a trip to Glacier Burn in the East Matukituki. We park at the Otago Boys Bridge. Although we will be in the bush much of the time, the flats will be at gas mark five - so bring plenty of sun screen and water.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Monday 13th January

Meet Brian and Marjon at 9:00am for an expedition to Moonlight Track and Moke Lake. The plan is to divide the party in two - half starting at Moke Lake camp site, the other half starts at the Moonlight Track car park above Arthur's Point. We meet in the middle and swap car keys. At the beginning we drive to Arthur's Point Road, opposite Shotover Lodge, then swap cars before continuing on to our start points. Thus the drivers will get their own keys back at the middle and will be looking for their own car at the end. As an experiment each half will carry a radio - it will be interesting to find out where we have radio contact. We will probably meet at lunch by the buildings near the track down to the Old Schoolhouse.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Monday 6th January

Meet Brian & Marjon at 9:00am: going to McPhies Ridge. We go down Cluden Creek Road, cross the Lindis River bridge and park. Hopefully we will avoid the rain, but it will be windy and cool.