News of Monday walks of Wanaka Walkers.
Meet on lake front near Show Grounds, McDougall Street, usually at 9:30.
Visitors welcome - bring suitable boots, clothes and lunch.
Brian and Marjon will be at the lake front at 9am, before going to Arrowtown to walk via Tobins Track to Brackens Saddle for lunch. Then loop back past Glencoe Station. Ice cream in Arrowtown afterwards is not compulsory.
Name badges (for pinning on your rucksack) can be ordered from Martin Unwin for $2, using the form above.
Have a look at the Safety and Rules pages (see the links above). In particular respect the rules for DoC protected sites - take only photos - do not pick flowers or move/remove historic artifacts
Meeting point
Google now charges to include a map, and their instructions on getting a free API_KEY are too gobbledegooglish for me to bother. The normal meeting place is the lake front near the showgrounds, Lat:-44.6990, Lng:169.1257.