News of Monday walks of Wanaka Walkers.
Meet on lake front near Show Grounds, McDougall Street, usually at 9:30.
Visitors welcome - bring suitable boots, clothes and lunch.
There is no walk organised for the 9:30 group as many of us are in Te Anau. But if you turn up at the usual time, no doubt others will too & someone will suggest somewhere to go and will lead the way.
Name badges (for pinning on your rucksack) can be ordered from Martin Unwin for $2, using the form above.
Have a look at the Safety and Rules pages (see the links above). In particular respect the rules for DoC protected sites - take only photos - do not pick flowers or move/remove historic artifacts
Meeting point
Google now charges to include a map, and their instructions on getting a free API_KEY are too gobbledegooglish for me to bother. The normal meeting place is the lake front near the showgrounds, Lat:-44.6990, Lng:169.1257.