Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Monday 30th January 2023 - walk and AGM

Meet at the lake front as usual at 9:30. The walk will be from the Motatapu Bridge on Mt.Aspiring Road to Motatapu Gorge and back. The AGM will be held where we have lunch. See the AGM page for the Agenda and last year's minutes.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Monday 23rd January 2023

Meet Brian and Marjon at 9:30 for a trip to Brackens Saddle. We drive to Arrowtown and turn right into Ford Street, to the car park at the end. The walk climbs up Tobins Track to Glencoe Road, and from there to Brackens Saddle for lunch. We loop back past Glencoe Station to join Tobins Track to the cars.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Monday 16th January 2023

Meet Brian and Marjon at 9:30 for a trip up the Timaru River to Junction Hut for lunch. We drive to the car park by the Peter Muir bridge. The walk involves crossing the river a dozen times, which should be refreshingly cool. We plan to return the same way, but more energetic people can opt to return via the high route.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Monday 9th January

Meet Brian and Marjon at 9:30 for a walk up the Arrow River to the Soho Creek bridge for lunch. We drive to Arrowtown and park by the Chinese village.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Monday 2nd January 2023

Meet Brian and Marjon at 9:30 for a walk from Moke Lake campsite to Lake Dispute, an easy 3-4 hour walk with lunch somewhere on the way. This will involve a car shuffle.