Sunday, February 28, 2021
Monday's walk 1st March 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Monday's walk 22nd February
Wilkin Valley. We drive to Makarora and turn left immediately after the cafe on the left, down to a parking area near the river. The Makarora River crossing should be reasonably low after the dry period. On the far side we have a flat walk for 2km. Then we have a choice between crossing the Wilkin for a 5km flat walk on the true right - or a more up and down track through bush on the true left, with lunch on Dan's Flat. Either way we return the same way. It will be warm so we will be glad for the river crossings to cool down.
Leader: Brian Gilbert
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Monday's walk 15th February
We drive to Arrowtown (15min delays at road works) and park by the Chinese Village. Then follow the Arrow River for lunch by the Soho Stream. Returning the same way we may get a little rain.
At level 2 we are a small enough gathering to go ahead. You may consider wearing a mask during the car sharing. This should not be necessary during the walk in the open air. Obviously you should stay away if you have any symptoms.
Leader: Brian Gilbert
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Monday's walk 8th February
Young Australian Mine - drive through Bannockburn and after 3km turn right onto Nevis Road and park on the top of the ridge near Duffers Saddle and Watts Rock. The 5km track follows the ridge of the Carrick Range before dropping down to the waterwheel where we have lunch. We return via the water race, with an optional scramble up via the remains of a battery. At the carefully chosen point we leave the water race and head for the cars.
Leader: Brian Gilbert