Sunday, December 27, 2020

Monday 28th December

 Brian & Marjon are going for a walk at Mt Crichton Reserve, Twelve Mile Creek. Meet at the lake front at 9:30 if you want to join us. We will have lunch at Sam Summers hut, then return via Lake Dispute - using a car shuttle to avoid the 1km walk along the road.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Monday 21st December

 No official walk. Because of the uncertain weather Brian & Marjon have postponed their plan to go to the Mt.Crichton track at Twelve Mile Creek.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Monday 14th Dec walk- Hawea river track walk -AGM and Christmas shared lunch

    We are having our traditional walk and shared lunch with the AGM on Monday. The walk will start at 836 Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road and be about 2 1/2 hours before returning for some Christmas shared lunch. Bring some food and drinks (some fridge space will be available) and maybe a chair. 

  I suggest we meet at 836 Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road at 9.45am. If anyone has no transport contact me on or 0212207088. The walk will start at 10am.
Could someone who lives near our normal car park check no-one is waiting there at 9.30am

      The walk will involve walking through our neighbour's property to Camphill road then up stream on Hawea track towards the Dam before returning the same way. 
Drive from Wanaka towards Hawea on SH 6 (signed to Haast and West Coast). Drive through Albert Town and cross the Clutha River Bridge (5.8km from here). Pass Camphill Road on right, go up the hill and turn right, into drive marked No 836. Go down the drive. Take the right hand fork and continue to the house. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Mondays Walk - 7th Dec 2020

Dublin Bay loop
Meet at Wanaka Lakefront place at 9.30am. Looks like there will be strong winds on the tops again so we shall do a lake level walk. Weather probably fine with occasional showers.
Drive to Albert Town campsite to the start of Deans Bank bike route.
After a short distance on the bike track we will cross to the  Dublin Bay 4wd road all round the lake to Dublin Bay where we will have lunch (7kms). There may be a few large puddles on the track from recent rain. After lunch we will walk up the metal Dublin Bay Road. (Beware of the occasional car). Before we get to the main road we will reach a locked farm gate which I will unlock and we cross the paddock on a farm track back to Albert Town Camping grounds.Thanks to the farmer for allowing us over his property.
NB Next week AGM and shared lunch.
Total 12 kms.

Walk leader 
Jerry Gathercole