Sunday, October 25, 2020

Monday's Walk 26 October 2020

Destination: Upper Clutha River track

Description: With the prospect of a decent rain band moving up the island until at least late morning we'll keep it short, sheltered, and local. From the red bridge at Luggate we'll walk downriver past the Devil's Nook and as far towards the Luggate Boulders access as conditions and our inclination permit before returning to the cars. The bail-out option at any stage is to retreat via the Luggate Creek Track to the Luggate Pub while the drivers return to the Red Bridge to pick up the cars. The ultimate bail-out option is to abandon the walk at the lakefront car park.

Walk Leader: Martin Unwin

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Monday's Walk - 19th October

Destination - Pisa Range Ridge Track

Meet at 9.30am, waterfront car park opposite McDougall St.

We will drive to the Queensbury Hills car park turning off the Cromwell Road, up Pukekowhai Drive at the Queensbury Hills sign.
At the top of Pukekowhai Drive, turn left at Wailana Heights Drive to the car park and DOC sign about a km away.
We will walk up this track to a level terrace at about 950m, but the higher you go the better the views!

Leader - Inez McClea

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Monday Walk 12th of October

Destination: Rocky Mountain Walk
Meet at 9.30 Waterfront car park opposite McDougal St
We will drive to the beginning of the Diamond Lake track and then walk up Rocky Mountain in a clockwise direction.
The weather forecast looks ok for tomorrow. Bring some big steps and good balance. The track may be slippery in places.
Leader: Chris Gibb

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Monday's Walk 5th October 2020

Destination: Mt Dewar

Meet at 9.30 am  waterfront car park opposite McDougall Street.
We will drive to the Skippers turn off on Coronet Peak Road, and park in the car park. We begin walking up the road to a stile on the left, on to a 4 wheel drive track and walk up to the aerials to have lunch. Return the same way.

The forecast looks ok with wind increasing in the afternoon to moderate level but we should be on our way down by then.
Leader Chris Gibb.