Sunday, March 26, 2017

Monday's Walk - 27 March 2017

Option 1
Sawpit Gully Trail - Arrowtown; weather permitting!
2 - 3 hour loop - Grade: Medium - High Fitness

Autumn is here; a perfect time for us to check out the Autumn colours around Arrowtown. This is a great loop trail with a variety of scenery such as piles of stone gold-mining tailings near the creek, and vegetation varying from Beech Forest pockets to tussock covered slopes interspersed with prickly matagouri and sharp pointed speargrass. We'll come across the remains of an old stone hut which was once home to a succession of gold miners. Up the hill we'll meet the Big Hill trail at Eickhardt's Flat and walk down towards Arrowtown with Lake Hayes in full view.
Maybe a coffee or tea in Arrowtown afterwards?

Option 2
If the weather's poor we'll opt for a walk closer to home in a reasonably sheltered area:
The Upper Clutha Track from Halliday Road.

Leader: Ron de Kraker

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Monday 20th March 2017

The walk today is along the Lake Hawea shoreline, with great views, to the beach opposite Silver Island – (6 km, about 1 ½ - 2 hours one way). We drive from Wanaka via Campbell Rd to Gladstone, then via Timaru Creek Rd and Dingleburn Rd (gravel roads) to the car park (44km - about 1 hour). It is an easy walk on a 4WD road through tussock farmland and Kanuka bush, and under soaring rock faces to the beach near the Silver Burn. (There are sandflies there and at the car park)

The weather forecast is for high cloud and Nor-westerlies.


Leader: Chris Kjelgaard

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Monday 13 March 2017

The walk today is to Colquhouns Beach, 7km (about 2 hours one way). The track and 4WD road from the Homestead Bay car park at West Wanaka is an easy walk to a beautiful beach on the shores of L. Wanaka with a view out to Mou Waho Island on one side and Mt. Alta on the other. (There are sandflies at the lake.)

The weather forecast is for cooler south-easterlies with maybe an occasional shower – so how far we go is weather dependent. 

Leader: Chris Kjelgaard

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Monday Walk 6th of March 2017

Option 1
It looks like we may be in lucky enough to sneak this one in before the weather will turn sour: Millennium Track, starting from our usual Monday morning meeting point to Glendhu Bay via Ironside Hill, to some of us better known as One Tree Hill.
Obviously we will have to arrange for a car shuffle, any volunteers for this, please be at usual meeting point by 08.45 am to help drop off some cars at the Glendhu Bay end!
Anybody who's keen to go for a swim while some of us will be collecting the cars in Wanaka, please feel free to bring togs & towel.

Option 2
If weather's poor we'll opt for the Upper Clutha Track from Halliday Road.

Leader: Ron de Kraker